Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 45 of Captivity -- Rewrite

Susan Jensen, at did me the wonderful favor of thoroughly reviewing my book and providing feedback. Her feedback was really helpful, and I've decided to go through and do a rewrite of the story. Most of the plot will stay, but there is a lot of information about Andrew, Jonathan, and Craig that isn't really apparent right now that I'm going to add to the story.
This whole process of becoming an author has just been fascinating. I keep learning more and more and I absolutely love the whole process. If you've ever thought about writing a book, DO IT! Even if you don't sell a million copies and buy a castle across the way from JK Rowling, you'll still learn and develop so much that it will be worth it.
My goal is to do the rewrite over the next month. I'll post the new, first few chapters when I have them.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 43 of Captivity -- Introducing Remi

Hi Everyone,
I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I have a lot to share, but unfortunately, I won't be able to share it all in this post.
I'm no longer alone! It turns out that the rat in the basement, is actually a pretty cool little guy. While my children continue to torment me in their attempts to squeeze more and more stories out of me, Remi asks for nothing but love...and an occasional scratch on his belly. He likes to sleep right near my neck at night, and he does the cutest...well, you don't actually want to hear about that, do you.
You're probably wondering why I haven't posted in so long. Well, it's actually pretty simple, until recently Remi would go crazy every time I started typing on my computer. I have no idea why, but it would just set him on edge and he would run into the walls. For a month I didn't write at all, and was wondering if I would ever be able to again. But then I got a great idea. I convinced the kids to let me buy an exercise wheel for Remi, as well as some other material, and I turned it into a miniature power plant. Now, whenever I want to type, Remi jumps on his wheel and becomes a source of green power. ask, isn't Remi scared of your typing. Isn't that kind of mean? Well, he actually seems pretty happy when he is running. I'm kind of wondering if my typing wasn't scaring him, but instead was serving as a stimulant for physical activity. Kind of like playing "Eye of the Tiger" during a workout. Anyways, he's running away right now as I type, smile on his face, battery charging on my computer.
Until tomorrow!
--Matt and Remi

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 14 of Captivity -- Domestication

Did you know some people have rats as pets? Did you know that once domesticated, they like to snuggle, be petted, and take rides on their owner's shoulders?
Very interesting...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 13 of Captivity -- The Care and Feeding of Rats

I woke up this morning with a rat curled up on my chest. Ahhhh!!! I and the rat both jumped about 10 feet in the air. I haven't seen him since, but why would he be curled up on my chest? The kids heard me yell and came down to see what had happened. I expected some sympathy but instead they were rolling on the ground laughing. I still don't see the humor in the situation.
Later that day, they gave me a book entitled The Care and Feeding of Rats. They said that I could use it to train the rat to be my pet since they had no intention of trying to get the rat out of the cellar. I'm really going to turn a wild rat into a pet.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 12 of Captivity -- Freedom for a Day

The horse's name was Saturday.
Thank you Kylene for providing the answer!
My son was suprised that I got it. Maybe suprised isn't a strong enough word, but I'm grateful he kept his word and let me out.
My day of freedom was so wonderful. I walked in the grass. I felt the rain on my face. I didn't see any rats.
Unfortunately, I'm now back in the cellar. My captors wouldn't listen to my pleas to sleep in the house tonight, but at least I had a day in the rain (I live in Oregon so I can't really say a day in the sun).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 11 of Captivity -- The Riddle

So this morning my 6 year old opens the cellar door and tells me I can come out to play for a day if I can answer his riddle by tomorrow.
Here it is. Email me at if you know the answer:
A man went to a ranch on Monday and left three days later. When questioned, the ranch owner said that the man left on Saturday. How can the ranch owner be right?
Please help!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 8 of Captivity -- Thanks a lot Harry Potter

I apologize, faithful reader, that I wasn't able to post anything yesterday. The kids figured out how to cut the internet access and are now using it as a way to control me. They said that when I embarass them publicly, like I did at the capital, then I will lose certain privileges. Privileges include: Internet Access, Food, Clean Water, Clean Clothes, Rat Traps, Heat, Electricity, and anything else that they can take away.
They've also made it clear that just becoming a full time best selling author is not enough. They heard that J.K. Rowling lives in a castle and they think we should too. So...the bar just got higher. Thanks a lot Harry Potter.